Online Study

NASM Health Coach Bundle
$ 17,100.00CEUs: NASM-CNC (1.9), NASM-VCS (1.5)
NASM Career KickStarter Bundle
$ 16,500.00CEUs: NASM-CNC, NASM (1.9) NASM-CES, NASM (1.9)
NASM Strength and Conditioning Bundle
$ 16,000.00CEUs: NASM-PES, NASM (1.9) NASM-CES, NASM (1.9)
NASM Fitness and Nutrition Bundle
$ 11,400.00CEUs: NASM-CNC NASM (1.9)
EXOS Online Performance Specialist Course
$ 9,050.00NASM (1.9), ACSM (24.0)
NASM Hybrid Training Professional Bundle
$ 8,500.00CEUs: AFAA-GFI - NASM (1.5)
Precision Nutrition Level 1 Online
$ 8,000.00CEUs: NASM (1.9), ACE (6.0), ACSM (4), CDR (16), and CPTN (14)
NASM Physique and Bodybuilding Coach (PBC)
$ 7,200.00CEUs: NASM (1.9), AFAA (15)
NASM Certified Sports Nutrition Coach (CSNC)
$ 7,200.00CEUs: NASM (1.9)
NASM Virtual Coaching Specialization (VCS)
$ 7,200.00CEUs: NASM (1.5), AFAA (15)
NASM Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC)
$ 7,200.00CEUs: NASM (1.9), AFAA (15)
NASM Weight Loss Specialization (WLS)
$ 7,200.00CEUs: NASM (1.9), AFAA (19)
NASM Certified Personal Trainer Certification (CPT)
$ 7,000.00CEUS: ---
NASM Performance Enhancement Specialist (PES)
$ 6,500.00CEUs: NASM (1.9)
NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES)
$ 6,500.00CEUs: NASM (1.9)
EXOS XPS+: Unlock the Power of Coaching
$ 6,000.00NASM (0.9), ACSM (7.50)
Functional Yoga System
$ 5,500.00CEUs: NASM (1.6), AFAA (15)
Foot / Ankle: Focusing on the Biomechanics of Foot and Ankle
$ 5,500.00CEUs: NASM (1.9), AFAA (15)
Active Aging: Rehab and Training for Aging Population
$ 5,500.00CEUs: NASM (1.3), AFAA (13)
Female Chain Reaction®: Female Biomechanics, Treatment, & Training
$ 5,500.00CEUs: NASM (1.4), AFAA (14)
Functional Golf System: Preparing the Body for Peak Performance
$ 5,500.00CEUs: NASM (1.6), AFAA (15)
Functional Soft Tissue Transformation
$ 5,500.00CEUs: NASM (1.9), AFAA (15)
Precision Nutrition : Sleep, Stress Management and Recovery
$ 5,200.00CEUs: NASM (1.9), ACE (4.0), ACSM (40), EREPS (10hours), ISSA (20)
EXOS Fitness Specialist Course
$ 4,560.00NASM (1.0), ACSM (10.50)
CAFS : Certification in Applied Functional Science
$ 4,400.00CEUs: NASM (1.9), AFAA (15)
EXOS Optimising Performance through the Menstrual Cycle
$ 4,000.00NASM (0.8), ACSM (6.00)
EXOS Optimising Performance through Menopause
$ 4,000.00NASM (0.8), ACSM (7.00)
NASM Stretching and Flexibility Coach (SFC)
$ 4,000.00CEUs: NASM (1.6), AFAA (16)
NASM Women’s Fitness Specialization (WFS)
$ 4,000.00CEUs: NASM (1.5), AFAA (15)
NASM Senior Fitness Specialization (SFS)
$ 4,000.00CEUs: NASM (1.5) AFAA (15)
NASM Group Personal Training Specialization (GPTS)
$ 4,000.00CEUs: NASM (1.9), AFAA (13)
NASM Behavior Change Specialization (BCS)
$ 4,000.00CEUs: NASM (1.9), AFAA (19)
Pain-Free Movement Specialist Level 1
$ 3,800.00CEUs: NASM (1.2)
AFAA G.E.A.R. Indoor Cycling Certification
$ 3,600.00CEUs: AFAA (12.0), NASM (1.2)
AFAA Group Fitness Instructor Certification (GFI)
$ 3,600.00CEUs: NASM (1.5)
ELEIKO Powerlifting Level 1 Digital Online Course
$ 3,200.00NASM (1.9)
EXOS Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine Framework
$ 3,200.00NASM (0.9), ACSM (5.00)
Eleiko Tactical Training Level 1 Digital Online Course
$ 3,200.00CEUs: NASM (1.3)
Eleiko Weightlifting Level 1 Digital Online Course
$ 3,200.00CEUs: NASM (1.3)
3DMAPS®: Three-Dimensional Movement Analysis & Performance System
$ 3,200.00CEUs: NASM (1.0), AFAA (10)
Applied Health and Human Performance Specialist Level 1
$ 2,800.00CEUs: ---
NASM MMA Conditioning Specialization (MMACS)
$ 2,400.00CEUs: NASM (1.2)
NASM Integrated Training Series
$ 2,250.00CEUs: NASM (1.7 all six courses)
TRX Suspension Training Digital Course
$ 1,920.00CEUs: NASM (0.7), AFAA (7.0)
AFAA Essential Injury Prevention
$ 1,600.00CEUs: AFAA (16.0), NASM (1.6)
NASM Fundamentals of Virtual Coaching
$ 1,600.00CEUs: NASM (0.5)
NASM Youth Exercise Specialization (YES)
$ 1,600.00CEUs: NASM (1.0)
NASM Golf Fitness Specialization (GFS)
$ 1,600.00CEUs: NASM (1.0)
EXOS Applied Neuroscience of Peak Performance
$ 1,520.00NASM (0.4), ACSM (4.00)
EXOS Advanced Strength and Power
$ 1,520.00NASM (0.3), ACSM (3.00)
EXOS The 0.10 Second Difference
$ 1,520.00NASM (0.4), ACSM (4.00)
Nutrition Essentials for Fitness Professionals
$ 1,400.00CEUs: NASM (2.2), AFAA (22)
Female Training Specialist
$ 1,400.00CEUs: NASM (2.2), AFAA (22)
Training Older Adults Package
$ 1,400.00CEUs: NASM (2.7), AFAA (25)
Mobility Essentials Package
$ 1,400.00CEUs: NASM (2.0), AFAA (20.0)
EXOS Model of Recovery
$ 1,200.00NASM (0.4), ACSM (4.50)
AFAA Golden Hearts: Senior Fitness Training
$ 1,200.00CEUs: AFAA (7.0), NASM (0.7)
AFAA Yoga and Pilates on the Ball Training
$ 1,200.00CEUs: AFAA (7.0) NASM (0.7)
AFAA Sustaining Mobility and Movement – Foot, Ankle and Knee
$ 1,200.00CEUs: AFAA (7.0) NASM (0.7)
AFAA Sustaining Mobility and Movement – Human Movement Science
$ 1,200.00CEUs: AFAA (7.0) NASM (0.7)
AFAA Sunrise Yoga
$ 1,200.00CEUs: AFAA (7.0) NASM (0.7)
AFAA Prehab vs. Rehab
$ 1,200.00CEUs: AFAA (7.0) NASM (0.7)
AFAA Practical Yoga Instructor Training
$ 1,200.00CEUs: AFAA (7.0) NASM (0.7)
AFAA Practical Pilates
$ 1,200.00CEUs: AFAA (7.0), NASM (0.7)
AFAA Midlife Fitness for Women
$ 1,200.00CEUs: AFAA (7.0), NASM (0.7)
AFAA Kickboxing: Skills and Drills
$ 1,200.00CEUs: AFAA (7.0), NASM (0.7)
AFAA Group Exercise: The Practical Way
$ 1,200.00CEUs: AFAA (7.0), NASM (0.7)
AFAA Fighting Obesity: A Practical Approach
$ 1,200.00CEUs: AFAA (7.0), NASM (0.7)
AFAA Beyond Mat Science™
$ 1,200.00CEUs: AFAA (7.0), NASM (0.7)
TRX for Golf Specialisation Digital Course
$ 1,080.00CEUs: NASM (0.5), AFAA (5.0)
Pregnancy Summit: Training Pre and Post Natal Women
$ 1,000.00CEUs: NASM (1.4), AFAA (14.0)
Social Media for PTs: Instagram Essentials
$ 1,000.00CEUs: NASM (1.0), AFAA (10.0)
Social Media for PTs: Facebook Essentials
$ 1,000.00CEUs: NASM (1.0), AFAA (10.0)
Female Training Level 2
$ 1,000.00CEUs: NASM (1.2), AFAA (12)
Female Training Level 1
$ 1,000.00CEUs: NASM (1.0), AFAA (10)
Mobility Essentials Level 2
$ 1,000.00CEUs: NASM (1.0), AFAA (10.0)
Mobility Essentials Level 1
$ 1,000.00CEUs: NASM (1.0), AFAA (10.0)
TRX Rehab Essentials Digital Course
$ 960.00CEUs: NASM (0.3), AFAA (3.0)
Training Menopausal and Perimenopausal Women
$ 800.00CEUs: NASM (0.6), AFAA (6.0)
NASM Mental Toughness
$ 800.00CEUs: NASM (0.4), AFAA (4.0)
AFAA Practical Modality Instruction
$ 800.00CEUs: AFAA (5.0) NASM (0.5)
NASM Ultimate Cardio Trainer
$ 800.00CEUs: NASM (0.6), AFAA (6.0)
TRX & Resistance Band Training Digital Course
$ 720.00NASM (0.4), AFAA (4.0)
AFAA Stress Gets Personal
$ 720.00CEUs: AFAA (6.0) NASM (0.6)
AFAA Multiple Client Training
$ 560.00CEUs: AFAA (5.0), NASM (0.5)
NASM Neuromuscular Stretching
$ 550.00CEUs: NASM (0.4), AFAA (4.0)
TRX Essentials of YBell Training Digital Course
$ 520.00CEUs: NASM (0.2), AFAA(2.0)
TRX for the Post Natal Athlete Digital Course
$ 520.00NASM (0.2), AFAA (2.0)
TRX for the Female Athlete Digital Course
$ 520.00NASM (0.1), AFAA (1.0)
TRX for Cycling Digital Course
$ 520.00CEUs: NASM (0.1), AFAA (1.0)
Slam Ball and Medicine Ball Training Essentials Digital Course
$ 520.00CEUs: NASM (0.2), AFAA (2.0)
TRX Battle Rope Training Essentials Digital Course
$ 520.00CEUs: NASM (0.2), AFAA (2.0)
TRX Kettlebell Training Essentials Digital Course
$ 520.00CEUs: NASM (0.2), AFAA (2.0)
TRX for the Prenatal Athlete Digital Course
$ 520.00CEUs: NASM (0.1), AFAA (1.0)
TRX for Running Digital Course
$ 520.00CEUs: NASM (0.1), AFAA (1.0)
TRX RIP Training Essentials Digital Course
$ 480.00CEUs: NASM (0.2), AFAA (2.0)