Optimum Performance TST 16/F, CheukNang Centre, 9 Hillwood Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong KongSTC(Suspension Training Course)為TRX所設立的訓練課程,適合對象為任何對懸吊訓練有興趣者,課程內容為教授TRX使用的基本概論、常用的上下半身訓練及核心訓練動作,提供各種懸吊方案及處方概論,讓喜愛的朋友可以在專業教練指導下安全有效地進行TRX懸吊訓練。
TRX professional education is deemed one of the highest valued industry courses, and uses a movement-based framework that’s applicable to any level, goal, and piece of equipment. Whether you prefer live or digital online training, TRX education provides you the solutions to learn virtually at your own pace or in a live classroom environment. If you are looking to become certified, or gain specialty knowledge, TRX provides you a pathway with the knowledge and tools you need to stand out and succeed.
STC(Suspension Training Course)為TRX所設立的訓練課程,適合對象為任何對懸吊訓練有興趣者,課程內容為教授TRX使用的基本概論、常用的上下半身訓練及核心訓練動作,提供各種懸吊方案及處方概論,讓喜愛的朋友可以在專業教練指導下安全有效地進行TRX懸吊訓練。
Designed by experts for the fitness professional who wants to harness the full potential of the TRX Suspension Trainer, this course teaches you how to incorporate the TRX into your clients’ programs and how to grow your training business. In this class you’ll learn over 70 TRX exercises, in detail, as well as all the […]
參加者將會學到如何運用TRX懸吊系統及彈力棍系統上運用TRX基本運動訓練方法來教導及進行調節,然後應用於各種訓練設備上。除了懸吊訓練及彈力棍訓練外,其他訓練方法包括: 啞鈴、藥球、沙包、戰繩及帶。