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Program Design For Weight Loss:

Program Design For Weight Loss:

By Josh Elsesser A quick Google search for the topic of program design for weight loss provides well over 2 million results. Needless to say, there is a lot of information, and sometimes misinformation, on the “best” ways to lose weight. Known as the Law of...
Whos Charging What and How?

Whos Charging What and How?

by Sean Greely The dream of every entrepreneur is to create a profitable business that gives them the freedom to live the kind of life they want. But if your pricing and packaging aren’t right, you’ll never achieve that dream. There are two common mistakes that...
Utilising Speed Training For Weight Loss:

Utilising Speed Training For Weight Loss:

BRIAN ODDI, PH.D., CPT, NASM-PES, NASE-CSS There are many individuals who are striving to stay healthy and fit, however, they lack time to dedicate to a fitness program due to the busy demands of family, work, and pleasure. Speed training has shown to be a very...
Tracking Heart Rate Variability To Help Manage Client Stress.

Tracking Heart Rate Variability To Help Manage Client Stress.

By Josh Elsesser Stress is one of the major contributing factors to over 60% of all human illness and disease1. So it’s not surprising that stress is also preventing your personal training clients from achieving the results that they are working so hard for. In fact,...
Preparing For a Golf Event

Preparing For a Golf Event

By BRIAN SUTTON Today’s typical golfer faces many challenges. Not only are golf courses becoming longer and more difficult, but today’s golfer is actually less prepared to play the game. In today’s automated society of long commutes, computers and television, many...
Trust Me and Other Ineffective Personal Trainer Pick UP Lines

Trust Me and Other Ineffective Personal Trainer Pick UP Lines

By Shannon Fable Keeping your sales funnel primed with new prospects is important for long-term success in the fitness industry. But, we have a problem. We’ve only been taught a few ways to get in front of new prospects and how we’ve been taught to ‘pick up’ clients...
Fitness Evaluations: Keeping Goals On Track.

Fitness Evaluations: Keeping Goals On Track.

By  STACEY PENNEY, MS, NASM-CPT, CES, PES, FNS How are those goals coming along? Setting a goal is about making changes, looking at what is — in the here and now — and what we want it to be. Creating and committing to the path to get there is what makes for the...
Nutrition at Work: Opportunities To Improve Employee Wellness

Nutrition at Work: Opportunities To Improve Employee Wellness

By STACEY PENNEY, MS, NASM-CPT, CES, PES, FNS Easy to implement strategies can make the workplace a nutritionally positive experience. Offering healthy food alternatives and involving employees can jump start healthy changes. Health care costs continue to rise for...
Conditioning and Training: The Relevance Of Flexibility Training.

Conditioning and Training: The Relevance Of Flexibility Training.

By Mike Bracko Stretching and flexibility training have undergone dramatic changes in the fitness and sports training realm. Over the last ten to fifteen years more research has been published and subsequently applied to fitness and conditioning programs. Previously,...
Exercise Progressions: Are You Asking The Right Questions?

Exercise Progressions: Are You Asking The Right Questions?

By Kyle Still Learn how and when to make proper exercise progressions. If you’re using the calendar to progress clients, it’s time to think about digging deeper into the how and why of progressions. Understanding the phases of learning and the neural continuum can...
Teaming Up: Should Couples Work Out Together?

Teaming Up: Should Couples Work Out Together?

By NASM It’s a definitive “yes” when it comes to walking, hiking, bike riding, playing tennis or any activity that both people can equally take part in and enjoy. These are great ways for couples to squeeze in exercise, support each other’s health, and enjoy quality...
Commitment Issues: When Exercise Motivation Hits a Road Block

Commitment Issues: When Exercise Motivation Hits a Road Block

By NASM You can navigate clients past common motivation blockers—here’s how. In comes the phone call, or maybe a text, your client—the one who did so well in the beginning—is getting in touch to say she won’t make her next session. Then it’s the one after that. When...
King Of The Beasts

King Of The Beasts

Mike Fitch, creator of the Animal Flow® Workout, shares how his innovative programming can bring out the primal grace in your clients. BY LUCIA VITI Mike Fitch is a fitness phenomenon. Sporting an 18-year fitness resumé, this strength coach, personal trainer,...
Kill the Competition: Land Long Term Training Clients.

Kill the Competition: Land Long Term Training Clients.

By Shannon Fable It’s time to refresh the idea of the comp training session if you want to land long term personal training clients. You, and your prospective clients, have to explore the real value behind the free session, beyond just the try before you buy...
Building Athletic Speed Agility and Quickness Through The NASM PES

Building Athletic Speed Agility and Quickness Through The NASM PES

By NASM For fitness professionals who work with athletes, understanding the specific developmental needs of a given athlete is crucial to enhancing their overall athletic capabilities. One of the major components for improving this is the development of speed,...
Powering the Vertical Jump With OPT™ (Model)

Powering the Vertical Jump With OPT™ (Model)

By SEAN CRISTEA A powerful vertical jump is often considered the epitome of athleticism. Many sports, such as basketball, volleyball, and some track and field events, require the athlete to perform at high levels in this movement [1]. However, many athletes find...
5 Communication Hacks to Elevate Your Programming

5 Communication Hacks to Elevate Your Programming

By SHANNON FABLE At a time when the need for qualified fitness professionals is at an all-time high, it’s hard to understand why so many instructors and personal trainers struggle to fill classes or find clients. As an industry, we are trained first to analyze the...
Groundwork: The Benefits Of Quadrupedal Training

Groundwork: The Benefits Of Quadrupedal Training

By Dan Edwardes Parkour hHas involved quadrupedal locomotion patterns, crawling drills, since its inception over 25 years ago. Anyone who has ever come to one of our classes,workshops or events will be familiar with just how challenging, demanding and sophisticated...
Corrective Exercise: Reducing The Risk of Non Contact ACL Injuries.

Corrective Exercise: Reducing The Risk of Non Contact ACL Injuries.

By Andrew Mills As fitness professionals and sports enthusiasts, we know how devastating an ACL injury can be for an athlete, both professional and recreational. Discover how the NASM Corrective Exercise Continuum can be used to help prevent this potentially career...
Mastering The Turkish Get Up.

Mastering The Turkish Get Up.

By Angie Mille MS There are few training tools in the fitness mainstream that pique interest and create more discussion than the kettlebell. For some, an intimidating ball of iron, for others a versatile piece of equipment that with proper training can transform your...
‘Countdown to Ski Season’

‘Countdown to Ski Season’

By TRX Believe it or not, ski season is right around the corner.  We know, we know – your beach towel is still in the hamper, your swimsuit has barely dried, and although you might not actually click/strap in for another 30-40 days, it’s important to begin...
5 Foam Rolling Exercises For Better Sleep

5 Foam Rolling Exercises For Better Sleep

When stress, anxiety and fatigue combine, the body reacts by tightly contracting the muscles. Eventually, bands or knots form in muscle tissue that will not release on their own. These painfully tight spots are called trigger points. Trigger points can refer pain to...
What’s Your Fitness Niche?

What’s Your Fitness Niche?

By NASM More and more fitness professionals are targeting specific demographic groups – from road warriors to dog lovers to cancer survivors and patients. Does it work? Trainers reveal the rewards—and the challenges. ON-THE-GO GOALS Last summer, after 10 years as a...
Four Surprising Energy Sources To Combat Fatigue

Four Surprising Energy Sources To Combat Fatigue

By NASM Fatigue might feel as if it begins in the body, but the mind plays a key role. Though we tend to blame our bodies for fatigue, the brain actually sets the pace of energy use and holds a little energy in reserve. Here are a few ways to help clients tap that...
Exercise Tips For Fall Protection.

Exercise Tips For Fall Protection.

By STACEY PENNEY, MS, NASM-CPT, CES, PES, FNS Falling can be a serious and life changing event, especially for older adults. There are some simple interventions that can help reduce the risk of falling, and exercise is one of them. The statistics on falling are...
Can personal trainers and health coaches give nutrition advice?

Can personal trainers and health coaches give nutrition advice?

Yes, they can — with proper training and some important caveats. By John Berardi, Ph.D. It’s a hot debate: Can personal trainers, health coaches, and other non-RD professionals give nutrition advice to their clients? You’ll be surprised (and relieved) to hear: Yes, to...
Got Power?

Got Power?

BY KENNETH MILLER, MS Got Power? Training for power has been underrepresented, or at least misrepresented, for its benefit and application in life. When we’re younger we take for granted our ability to sprint after a ball, jump over a fence, or evade the person who is...
Squat Form – What Does It Tell Us Part 2

Squat Form – What Does It Tell Us Part 2

By DAVID CRUZ, DC, CSCS, FMS, SFMA · AUGUST 23, 2016 Assessing this full body movement provides a foundation for designing a client’s exercise program. See how to use the results of a squat assessment to incorporate corrective exercise strategies and potentially lower...
Breakfast and Fasted Cardio – IS It Really Worth It

Breakfast and Fasted Cardio – IS It Really Worth It

By FABIO COMANA We see it, read it and perhaps even witness it – fasted cardio for weight loss. This approach is currently trending in many exercise circles, but does it really stand up to all the hype? Let’s examine this concept through a series of practices – say...
Squat Form What does It Tell Us? Part 1

Squat Form What does It Tell Us? Part 1

DAVID CRUZ, DC, CSCS, FMS, SFMA The ability to perform a squat or partial squat is an essential primal movement in life we must all be able to do, whether you are 8 or 80 years old. When we think of a squat, most of us associate the move with weight training or a...
Sprinting Through Water for Rehab and Cross-Training

Sprinting Through Water for Rehab and Cross-Training

BY ELLEN NORDBERG Running in deep water reduces impact, adds resistance, increases flexibility and improves circulation. With recent research demonstrating that the effect of training in water can equal the same level of effort on land, it’s no mystery why water...
The Lactic Acid Lowdown: Clarifying Common Misconceptions.

The Lactic Acid Lowdown: Clarifying Common Misconceptions.

By Fabio Comana. Despite research dating back over 30 years, several misconceptions surrounding lactic acid (lactate) still exist amongst fitness practitioners and the general public (1). Common misconceptions include that it was considered a primary cause of fatigue...
Help Clients Prevent Lower Back Pain Through Progamming.

Help Clients Prevent Lower Back Pain Through Progamming.

By DAVID CRUZ, DC, CSCS, FMS, SFMA The economic impact of low back pain (LBP) is greater than $100 billion per year and causes more disability globally than any other condition (1,2). It is the most common cause of activity limitation in adults aged 45 and younger and...
Movement Is Bigger Than Fitness:

Movement Is Bigger Than Fitness:

Movement Is Bigger Than Fitness Chandler Stevens Coach In the grand scheme of things, your PRs and race times aren’t that important. There, I’ve said it.Improving yourself is always something to be proud of, but there’s more to movement than exercise. Hang tight with...
Understanding and Preventing Ankle Sprains Through Corrective Exercise

Understanding and Preventing Ankle Sprains Through Corrective Exercise

By DAVID CRUZ, DC, CSCS, FMS, SFMA Ankle sprains are one of the most common injuries among physically active people accounting for an estimated 23,000 sprains — daily –that are attributed to athletic activity. (1) Basketball players suffer the highest incidence rate...
Exercise as medicine: Pre-habilitation for hip surgery patients.

Exercise as medicine: Pre-habilitation for hip surgery patients.

Louise Grant discusses how pre-habilitation can help clients about to undergo hip surgery. As chartered physiotherapist, I have a specific interest in hip patients and prehabilitation generally. Prehabilitation means analysing an individual’s posture, movement...
Play: Matching the Training Style of the Client

Play: Matching the Training Style of the Client

by Ian O’Dwyer |   Date Released : 17 May 2016 I recently presented four days with Tom Myers of Anatomy Trains, in Sydney (AU) and Auckland (NZ). Our workshops were directed at 1) merging the power of “hands on” and movement, 2) identifying and enhancing...
Why utilizing ViPR can make you a better coach.

Why utilizing ViPR can make you a better coach.

Outside of athletic endeavors, people will work with a coach (or trainer, or whatever title you use) for any number of reasons, all of which boil down to one thing: you bring value to their lives, says Steve Rast.  Not many things are more professionally satisfying...
The 5 Best Foods To Eat After a Workout.

The 5 Best Foods To Eat After a Workout.

By TRX EDITOR Studies show that eating the right foods within 30 minutes of a workout can reduce inflammation, replace glycogen stores for future workouts, and repair muscle damage. While many people turn to processed recovery drinks to refuel,the best recovery foods...
Six Steps to a Speedy Marathon Recover

Six Steps to a Speedy Marathon Recover

By Coach Jenny Hadfield | For SIX STEPS TO SPEEDY MARATHON RECOVERY Congratulations, you’ve finished the marathon! Now what? Complete marathon recovery can take anywhere from several weeks to several months, depending on the intensity of your race...
Help Clients Prevent Low Back Pain Through Effective Programming.

Help Clients Prevent Low Back Pain Through Effective Programming.

By David Cruz, DC, CSCS, FMS, SFMA DAVID CRUZ, DC, CSCS, FMS, SFMA The economic impact of low back pain (LBP) is greater than $100 billion per year and causes more disability globally than any other condition (1,2). It is the most common cause of activity limitation...
Piriformis Syndrome: It’s a Pain In the Butt, Hip, and Leg

Piriformis Syndrome: It’s a Pain In the Butt, Hip, and Leg

NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SPORTS MEDICINE Discomfort from too much sitting? Inactive glutes? Buttock and leg pain? Though small in size, the piriformis could have a big impact on keeping the human movement system moving smoothly. Addressing an overactive piriformis may be...
Warming Up By Rolling Out

Warming Up By Rolling Out

By: Susane Pata WARMING UP BY ROLLING OUT TRIGGERPOINT NOVEMBER 4, 2015 FOAM ROLLING NO COMMENTS Foam Rolling Isn’t Just recovery- It’s a Warm Up! TriggerPoint is extremely proud to feature one of our Master Trainer’s excellent article on how to warm up by rolling...
2016 Top Fitness Trends

2016 Top Fitness Trends

By TRX Editor This November the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) predicted its top twenty fitness trends of 2016 in its 10th Annual Survey of 2,800 health and fitness professionals. TRX is truly grateful and thrilled to learn that the gear, education and...
5 Exercises to Combat the Negative Effects of Bad Posture

5 Exercises to Combat the Negative Effects of Bad Posture

We all know that our clients are doing good things for their bodies while we are with them, but probably not during the other hours of the week. Especially the prolonged time they potentially spend sitting, now considered detrimental to overall health. We see the...
The Best Holiday Workouts When you are Short on Time

The Best Holiday Workouts When you are Short on Time

15 and 30 Minute Workouts to Beat the Holiday Dessert Table! ‘Tis the season for stress, missed workouts, and falling off the workout wagon. We tell ourselves and our clients every season, year in and year out, to make time for their workout. But the holiday season...
Foam Rolling- Applying the Technique of Self Myofascial Release

Foam Rolling- Applying the Technique of Self Myofascial Release

Foam rolling is a self-myofascial release (SMR) stretching technique that has been embraced throughout the fitness industry. This effective and simple to do technique delivers positive, feel good results. Foam rollers have become easily accessible, either shared at...
Interactive and Fun Fitness

Interactive and Fun Fitness

PAVIGYM™ 3.0 is an intelligent and interactive floor with integrated LED lights controlled by touch screen software, enabling trainers to design and track their training sessions. They can even control the lights and music at the touch of a button. PAVIGYM™ 3.0 is the...
Save Your Client’s Neck

Save Your Client’s Neck

Roughly two-thirds of your clients will experience neck pain at some point in their lifetime. Here’s how two NASM Corrective Exercise Specialists say you can help clients protect that vital segment of the spine. BY LAURA QUAGLIO Your neck is a complex structure that...
Mastectomy Recovery – Post Operative Breast Cancer TRX Exercises

Mastectomy Recovery – Post Operative Breast Cancer TRX Exercises

Post Operative Breast Cancer TRX Exercises The more I learn, the less I know. I’ve been a fitness and nutrition professional for 11 years now but it is moments like these where I set out to understand something that is outside my experience that I am most humbled....
Can a Hypoxic Training Mask Improve Performance?

Can a Hypoxic Training Mask Improve Performance?

By JENA WALTHER, MS Don’t be afraid of that man wearing the mask on the treadmill next to you. Even though he looks like a cross between a burglar and Hannibal Lecter, he probably means you no harm. He’s wearing what’s known as an “altitude mask,” and despite your...
5 Exercises to Combat the Negative Effects of Bad Posture

5 Exercises to Combat the Negative Effects of Bad Posture

By DAVID CRUZ, DC, CSCS, FMS, SFMA We all know that our clients are doing good things for their bodies while we are with them, but probably not during the other hours of the week. Especially the prolonged time they potentially spend sitting, now considered detrimental...
New Programming Ideas For Traditional Cardio Exercise Part 2

New Programming Ideas For Traditional Cardio Exercise Part 2

Looking for an easy way to assess your client’s current level of cardio and aerobic efficiency? Using the talk test to identify their ventilatory threshold can help do just that. Plus, learning to apply this information gives you the details needed to design their...
Modified Landing error scoring system and noncontact ACL Injury

Modified Landing error scoring system and noncontact ACL Injury

By Brian Sutton MS, MA, NASM-CPT, CES, PES It is estimated nearly 150,000 anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries occur annually in the U.S. and approximately 70% of these are noncontact; oftentimes caused by the inability to decelerate, change direction, or land...
30 Minute Workout Programs  for busy clients

30 Minute Workout Programs for busy clients

By NASM Here’s a quick 30-minute workout that will get clients on the road to fitness! The biggest excuse people give for not working out is, “I don’t have time!” Of course, as a fitness professional, you know that time is not a viable excuse. We have to make time to...
Constructing Functional Sandbag workouts

Constructing Functional Sandbag workouts

By Jessica Bento Dynamic Variable Resistance Training (DVRT™) provides us the outline to change sandbag workouts from a “shock to the system” form of training to something far more beneficial and comprehensive. In the previous article, Introduction and Principles of...
Are Older Adults Indifferent, Scared and Reluctant to Exercise

Are Older Adults Indifferent, Scared and Reluctant to Exercise

By JENA WALTHER Exercise can bring numerous benefits to older adults, both physically and psychologically, so why aren’t they active enough? Sometimes the biggest challenges to training this group, or even getting them to attempt any exercise at all, are their...
New Programming ideas for Traditional Cardio Exercise, Part 1

New Programming ideas for Traditional Cardio Exercise, Part 1

By FABIO COMANA Cardio programs continue to evolve given the changing needs and desires of exercisers. Driven in part by time constraints, but also by emerging research, it is the shorter, more-intense, yet time-efficient programs that are perhaps the most popular...
Back to Basics: Hypertrophy

Back to Basics: Hypertrophy

DEWAYNE SMITH, MS, NASM-CES, PES, FNS  Gains don’t happen overnight. It takes your muscles time to respond and adapt to stimuli. Discover the resistance training program variables that will develop the strength gains and growth you or your client may be looking for....
The Non-Exercise Components of Corrective Exercise

The Non-Exercise Components of Corrective Exercise

By Justin Price The role of the personal trainer is changing. Traditionally, fitness professionals have helped clients reach their health and fitness goals by designing effective exercise programs, educating them about nutritional choices and motivating them to adhere...
The Swimmers Shoulder: A Corrective Exercise Perspective.

The Swimmers Shoulder: A Corrective Exercise Perspective.

BY: DEWAYNE SMITH DeWayne A. Smith, holds a Master’s of Science in Exercise Science and Health Promotion with an emphasis in Sport Psychology from the California University of Pennsylvania, and a Bachelors of Science in Athletic Training and Sports Medicine from...
Golfer’s Elbow vs. Tennis Elbow

Golfer’s Elbow vs. Tennis Elbow

Introduction When individuals think about sports-related injuries, many of the injuries are associated with football, baseball, and basketball and usually to the regions of the ankle, knee, back, or shoulder. However, due to their professional and recreational...
Speed, Agility and Quickness: SAQ for You

Speed, Agility and Quickness: SAQ for You

Speed, agility, and quickness (SAQ) training is too often associated with sports and other physically demanding activities. Upon closer observation, we realize we have missed the everyday events and activities that can greatly benefit from SAQ training. You never know...


by Neil J Feldman, DPM. As we learned last month, foot pain doesn’t just start in the feet- it’s all about the hips! Neil Feldman, DPM explains how pelvic dysfunction can lead to foot pain, and how establishing proper posture can lead to better movement. What does...


by Neil J Feldman, DPM. As we learned last month, foot pain doesn’t just start in the feet- it’s all about the hips! Neil Feldman, DPM explains how pelvic dysfunction can lead to foot pain, and how establishing proper posture can lead to better movement.  ...
What the Science Really Says: The Connection Between Ankle Flexibility and Knee Position


Here are the tips of the day from NASM experts for Fitness Week! Enjoy and let us know what your tips are in the comments! Monday’s Tip: Lift more to stay trim. Lifting weights might be the best way to control belly fat as you age. Data from healthy men culled over 12...


Learning the finer points of self-myofascial release could help you train harder and look better while also reducing injury. by Brynne Elliott, MSc   If you are still of a mind that foam rollers are for everyone else, then you are missing out on one of the most...
Lame Excuses For Not Strength Training + How To Stop Making ‘Em

Lame Excuses For Not Strength Training + How To Stop Making ‘Em

By Camilla Moore   Strength training is a necessary component of a well-rounded exercise program. For some, however, strutting into the weight room can be a little intimidating. The good news is there are many options to fit anyone’s needs. Incorporating strength...
Personal Training for Skiers and Snowboarders

Personal Training for Skiers and Snowboarders

Follow the OPT™ model and your snow-sport-loving clients’ last run can be as fresh as their first, all season long. By Selene Yeager, NASM’s The Training Edge Five years ago, Liz Littman, now 34, was perched atop Bogus Basin, a ski area in Boise, Idaho, for her first...
Kinetic Chain Assessments Streamlined

Kinetic Chain Assessments Streamlined

Geoff Lecovin · May 15, 2015 By Geoff Lecovin, MS, DC, ND, LAc, CSCS, NASM-CPT, CES, PES, WLS, FNS Corrective exercise uses a systematic process that involves identifying neuromusculoskeletal dysfunction, developing a plan of action and integrating a corrective...


By Stacey Penney, MS, NASM-CPT, CES, PES, FNS Foam rolling is a self-myofascial release (SMR) stretching technique that has been embraced throughout the fitness industry. This effective and simple to do technique delivers positive, feel good results. Foam rollers have...
5 TRX Moves To Add To Your Next Workout

5 TRX Moves To Add To Your Next Workout

By Monica Nelson If you’re looking to switch up your workout routine or are short on time, this TRX sequence is the perfect workout for you. “TRX” is short for Total Body Resistance Exercise. It’s a type of training that uses your own body weight and...


By Fabio Comana, MA, MS, NASM-CPT, CES & PES; ACE CPT & HC, CSCS, HFS, CISSN Coaching has become the buzzword in the personal training industry. See how behavior coaching can enhance a client’s potential for success, while also enhancing the relevance and...
The Workday Boost! Beat a Desk-bound Posture with this Workout!

The Workday Boost! Beat a Desk-bound Posture with this Workout!

The Workday Boost Desk-bound employees can develop a hunched posture that saps energy and strength. Here’s a safe-for-the-office routine that can help. For many people, nine-hour workdays are the minimum—and lunch breaks are short or taken at the desk. Even if the...
Having Fun with Agility and Reactivity

Having Fun with Agility and Reactivity

By Fabio Comana, MA, MS, NASM-CPT, CES, PES, NASM Faculty Instructor Although agility drills should always emphasize good body alignment, movement mechanics and efficiency, don’t forget that a little creativity and fun can add an experiential element to your training...
Are You Ready to Elevate Your Personal Training Career in 2015?

Are You Ready to Elevate Your Personal Training Career in 2015?

By Stacey Penney, MS, NASM-CPT, CES, PES, FNS With Some Simple Planning You Can Be Ready for Success! It’s hard to believe that 2014 is quickly coming to a close as we focus on the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, and the eerie quiet that has replaced the...
Stress Recovery and Performance

Stress Recovery and Performance

By Fabio Comana, MA, MS, NASM-CPT, CES & PES; ACE CPT & HC, CSCS, HFS, CISSN We all speak of it and experience it, but what is stress? It is defined as a non-specific response by the body to any demand (stressor) that overcomes, or threatens to overcome, the...
A 9-Exercise Body-Weight Workout

A 9-Exercise Body-Weight Workout

Body-weight workouts are getting big buzz right now as people discover that the only equipment you really need to get fit is with you all the time. Want to give your clients a taste of a body-weight workout that incorporates core, balance, and resistance-training...
Training the Female Client: Key Considerations for Programming

Training the Female Client: Key Considerations for Programming

By Fabio Comana, MA, MS, NASM-CPT, CES, PES; ACE CPT & HC; NSCA CSCS; ACSM HFS, CISSN, Exercise Physiologist and Faculty Instructor – SDSU, UCSD & NASM Apart from the more obvious gender differences like pregnancy and some aging-related conditions (e.g.,...