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ELEIKO 舉重訓練一級課程:廣東話授課

OPS - Central 1-2/F World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street Central,, Hong Kong

Eleiko 舉重訓練1級課程旨在幫助學員深入了解有效的指導、重點的提示和精準的回饋,並提供一個完備的系統適用於評估和提升新手或高級水平的舉重運動員。


NASM-CPT 美國國家運動醫學學會 – 認證私人教練證書課程(2日課程):廣東話授課

OPS - Tsim Sha Tsui 16/F, CheukNang Centre, 9 Hillwood Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

美國國家運動醫學學會的私人教練課程是最有效地融合科學和實際應用的健身專業課程!私人健身教練培訓行業正快速增長,並帶動了無數的健身教育和培訓課程的發展。NASM憑著成熟的技術和科學整合成為一個易於使用及通用的編程方法綜合系統 - 最佳表現培訓(OPT™),並為健身行業定下國際標準。通過集成的課程設計方案和設計動力鏈的評估,學生在NASM-CPT這課程探究這獨特OPT™訓練方法,系統及技巧的科學,從而懂得如何設計安全及有效的訓練計劃給不同程度的客人。

心肺復甦法及自動體外除顫器證書課程 (CPR & AED)

OPS - Tsim Sha Tsui 16/F, CheukNang Centre, 9 Hillwood Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

課程內容 : 掌握心肺復甦的定義 掌握成人, 兒童和嬰兒心肺復甦的程序和技能 掌握成人, 兒童和嬰兒呼吸道異物堵塞的處理 了解生命鏈及盡早施行除顫的理論 掌握自動體外除顫器的操作和理論   學員完成課程後通過評核可獲發美國心臟協會的證書。 證書有效期為兩年


EXOS Performance Mentorship Phase 1

Kellett School 7 Lam Hing Street, Kowloon Bay Kowloon, Hong Kong

Exos, the global leader in human performance. For over two decades Exos has stood side by side with those driven to rise higher in life. Exos has pioneered the field […]

$11,300.00 – $15,700.00

TRX FTC TRX功能性運動訓練課程

OPS - Tsim Sha Tsui 16/F, CheukNang Centre, 9 Hillwood Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

參加者將會學到如何運用TRX懸吊系統及彈力棍系統上運用TRX基本運動訓練方法來教導及進行調節,然後應用於各種訓練設備上。除了懸吊訓練及彈力棍訓練外,其他訓練方法包括: 啞鈴、藥球、沙包、戰繩及帶。


NASM-CPT Certified Personal Trainer Course (2 Day): English

OPS - Central 1-2/F World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street Central,, Hong Kong

No other fitness-professional course so powerfully fuses science and practical application! The rapid growth of the personal-training industry has spurred a multitude of approaches to fitness education and training. Setting the international standard for the industry, NASM has developed a comprehensive system that integrates proven techniques and real science into one easy-to-use, universal programming method – Optimum Performance Training (OPT™)

NASM-CPT 美國國家運動醫學學會 – 認證私人教練證書課程(2日課程):廣東話授課

OPS - Tsim Sha Tsui 16/F, CheukNang Centre, 9 Hillwood Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

美國國家運動醫學學會的私人教練課程是最有效地融合科學和實際應用的健身專業課程!私人健身教練培訓行業正快速增長,並帶動了無數的健身教育和培訓課程的發展。NASM憑著成熟的技術和科學整合成為一個易於使用及通用的編程方法綜合系統 - 最佳表現培訓(OPT™),並為健身行業定下國際標準。通過集成的課程設計方案和設計動力鏈的評估,學生在NASM-CPT這課程探究這獨特OPT™訓練方法,系統及技巧的科學,從而懂得如何設計安全及有效的訓練計劃給不同程度的客人。


Adult CPR and AED

OPS - Central 1-2/F World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street Central,, Hong Kong

The three and a half hour CPR course follows the latest guidelines by the American Heart Association and will focus on Adult CPR and touch on the differences between infant […]


NASM-CPT 美國國家運動醫學學會 – 認證私人教練證書課程(2日課程):廣東話授課

OPS - Tsim Sha Tsui 16/F, CheukNang Centre, 9 Hillwood Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

美國國家運動醫學學會的私人教練課程是最有效地融合科學和實際應用的健身專業課程!私人健身教練培訓行業正快速增長,並帶動了無數的健身教育和培訓課程的發展。NASM憑著成熟的技術和科學整合成為一個易於使用及通用的編程方法綜合系統 - 最佳表現培訓(OPT™),並為健身行業定下國際標準。通過集成的課程設計方案和設計動力鏈的評估,學生在NASM-CPT這課程探究這獨特OPT™訓練方法,系統及技巧的科學,從而懂得如何設計安全及有效的訓練計劃給不同程度的客人。


NASM-CPT Certified Personal Trainer Course: English

OPS - Central 1-2/F World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street Central,, Hong Kong

No other fitness-professional course so powerfully fuses science and practical application! The rapid growth of the personal-training industry has spurred a multitude of approaches to fitness education and training. Setting the international standard for the industry, NASM has developed a comprehensive system that integrates proven techniques and real science into one easy-to-use, universal programming method – Optimum Performance Training (OPT™). From kinetic chain assessments through integrated programme design, students explore the science behind NASMs unique OPT™ model and gain a dynamic understanding of the systems and techniques used to design safe, effective programs for clients of all levels.


NASM-CPT 美國國家運動醫學學會 – 私人健身教練證書課程:廣東話授課

OPS - Central 1-2/F World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street Central,, Hong Kong

美國國家運動醫學學會的私人教練課程是最有效地融合科學和實際應用的健身專業課程!私人健身教練培訓行業正快速增長,並帶動了無數的健身教育和培訓課程的發展。NASM憑著成熟的技術和科學整合成為一個易於使用及通用的編程方法綜合系統 - 最佳表現培訓(OPT™),並為健身行業定下國際標準。通過集成的課程設計方案和設計動力鏈的評估,學生在NASM-CPT這課程探究這獨特OPT™訓練方法,系統及技巧的科學,從而懂得如何設計安全及有效的訓練計劃給不同程度的客人。


TRX FTC TRX功能性運動訓練課程

OPS - Tsim Sha Tsui 16/F, CheukNang Centre, 9 Hillwood Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

參加者將會學到如何運用TRX懸吊系統及彈力棍系統上運用TRX基本運動訓練方法來教導及進行調節,然後應用於各種訓練設備上。除了懸吊訓練及彈力棍訓練外,其他訓練方法包括: 啞鈴、藥球、沙包、戰繩及帶。


心肺復甦法及自動體外除顫器證書課程 (CPR & AED)

OPS - Tsim Sha Tsui 16/F, CheukNang Centre, 9 Hillwood Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

課程內容 : 掌握心肺復甦的定義 掌握成人, 兒童和嬰兒心肺復甦的程序和技能 掌握成人, 兒童和嬰兒呼吸道異物堵塞的處理 了解生命鏈及盡早施行除顫的理論 掌握自動體外除顫器的操作和理論   學員完成課程後通過評核可獲發美國心臟協會的證書。 證書有效期為兩年


Eleiko Weightlifting Level 1 Live Course

OPS - Central 1-2/F World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street Central,, Hong Kong

Join us for the Eleiko Weightlifting Level 1 course and take the first step towards becoming a more effective coach. Enhance your skills, improve your athletes' performance, and deepen your understanding of weightlifting techniques. Sign up today and transform your coaching approach!

NASM-CPT 美國國家運動醫學學會 – 私人健身教練證書課程:廣東話授課

OPS - Tsim Sha Tsui 16/F, CheukNang Centre, 9 Hillwood Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

美國國家運動醫學學會的私人教練課程是最有效地融合科學和實際應用的健身專業課程!私人健身教練培訓行業正快速增長,並帶動了無數的健身教育和培訓課程的發展。NASM憑著成熟的技術和科學整合成為一個易於使用及通用的編程方法綜合系統 - 最佳表現培訓(OPT™),並為健身行業定下國際標準。通過集成的課程設計方案和設計動力鏈的評估,學生在NASM-CPT這課程探究這獨特OPT™訓練方法,系統及技巧的科學,從而懂得如何設計安全及有效的訓練計劃給不同程度的客人。


NASM-CPT Certified Personal Trainer Course (2 Day): English

OPS - Central 1-2/F World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street Central,, Hong Kong

No other fitness-professional course so powerfully fuses science and practical application! The rapid growth of the personal-training industry has spurred a multitude of approaches to fitness education and training. Setting the international standard for the industry, NASM has developed a comprehensive system that integrates proven techniques and real science into one easy-to-use, universal programming method – Optimum Performance Training (OPT™)

Register Now! $8,900.00 4 tickets left

動物流1 級練習班 Animal Flow Training for Level One Candidates

OPS - Central 1-2/F World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street Central,, Hong Kong

專為已完成動物流1級教練課程和進一步發展其流程技能的Flowists而設計。非常適合準備動物流1 級考試的Flowists,將您的動作推至更高的水平! ✳️ 參加資格: 必須完成動物流1級教練課程 ✳️ 日期: 2025年3月20日及27日(星期四) ✳️ 時間: 1930 至 2100(90分鐘) ✳️ 費用: 每節 $220 ✳️ 導師: Shin Ng, Hong Kong Animal Flow Regional Leader Designed for Flowists […]

Register Now! $220.00 10 tickets left


OPS - Central 1-2/F World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street Central,, Hong Kong

Are you ready to inspire change and help others transform their lives with LES MILLS BODYBALANCE™? Whether you're just starting your fitness journey, looking to refine your skills, or exploring new strategies to empower individuals, our LES MILLS BODYBALANCE Initial Training is the perfect next step for your teaching career!

Adult CPR and AED

OPS - Central 1-2/F World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street Central,, Hong Kong

The three and a half hour CPR course follows the latest guidelines by the American Heart Association and will focus on Adult CPR and touch on the differences between infant […]

Sold Out $900.00

NASM-CPT 美國國家運動醫學學會 – 認證私人教練證書課程(2日課程):廣東話授課

OPS - Central 1-2/F World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street Central,, Hong Kong

美國國家運動醫學學會的私人教練課程是最有效地融合科學和實際應用的健身專業課程!私人健身教練培訓行業正快速增長,並帶動了無數的健身教育和培訓課程的發展。 NASM憑著成熟的技術和科學整合成為一個易於使用及通用的編程方法綜合系統 – 最佳表現培訓(OPT™),並為健身行業定下國際標準。通過集成的課程設計方案和設計動力鏈的評估,學生在NASM-CPT這課程探究這獨特OPT™訓練方法,系統及技巧的科學,從而懂得如何設計安全及有效的訓練計劃給不同程度的客人。

Register Now! $8,900.00 10 tickets left

ELEIKO 舉重訓練一級課程:廣東話授課

OPS - Tsim Sha Tsui 16/F, CheukNang Centre, 9 Hillwood Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

Eleiko 舉重訓練1級課程旨在幫助學員深入了解有效的指導、重點的提示和精準的回饋,並提供一個完備的系統適用於評估和提升新手或高級水平的舉重運動員。

Register Now! $3,800.00 4 tickets left

LES MILLS BODYJAM Initial Training

OPS - Central 1-2/F World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street Central,, Hong Kong

Are you ready to inspire people to change their lives with BODYJAM™? Whether you're just starting your journey, looking to hone your skills, or exploring new strategies to help people unleash their full potential, LES MILLS BODYJAM Initial Training will help you take the next step in your teaching career!

Register Now! $2,780.00 12 tickets left

NASM-CPT 美國國家運動醫學學會 – 私人健身教練證書課程:廣東話授課

OPS - Central 1-2/F World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street Central,, Hong Kong

美國國家運動醫學學會的私人教練課程是最有效地融合科學和實際應用的健身專業課程!私人健身教練培訓行業正快速增長,並帶動了無數的健身教育和培訓課程的發展。NASM憑著成熟的技術和科學整合成為一個易於使用及通用的編程方法綜合系統 - 最佳表現培訓(OPT™),並為健身行業定下國際標準。通過集成的課程設計方案和設計動力鏈的評估,學生在NASM-CPT這課程探究這獨特OPT™訓練方法,系統及技巧的科學,從而懂得如何設計安全及有效的訓練計劃給不同程度的客人。

Register Now! $8,900.00 16 tickets left

NASM-CPT Certified Personal Trainer Course: English

OPS - Central 1-2/F World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street Central,, Hong Kong

No other fitness-professional course so powerfully fuses science and practical application! The rapid growth of the personal-training industry has spurred a multitude of approaches to fitness education and training. Setting the international standard for the industry, NASM has developed a comprehensive system that integrates proven techniques and real science into one easy-to-use, universal programming method – Optimum Performance Training (OPT™). From kinetic chain assessments through integrated programme design, students explore the science behind NASMs unique OPT™ model and gain a dynamic understanding of the systems and techniques used to design safe, effective programs for clients of all levels.

Register Now! $8,900.00 16 tickets left

TRX YBell Coaching Course

OPS - Central 1-2/F World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street Central,, Hong Kong

Become a qualified YBell Coach. This in-person course will expand your knowledge of the world's most versatile weight, empowering you to create unique and highly customizable workouts for all fitness levels. Help your clients achieve results while you increase your business earnings.

Register Now! $2,800.00 12 tickets left

NASM-CES 美國國家運動醫學學會 – 矯正性運動訓練證書課程:廣東話授課

OPS - Tsim Sha Tsui 16/F, CheukNang Centre, 9 Hillwood Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

通過十一個有關矯正運動的單元,例如運動評估、抑制技術、肌肉激活技術和常見的肌肉骨骼損傷。此課程為專業人員提供最具創新性的教育工具和技術以獲得最好的結果。當您了解世界各地每個人的狀況時,則可以輕鬆提升您的專業潛力。 根據數據統計,健康和健身專業人員有迫切需要獲得與患有肌肉骨骼損傷的客戶合作的知識,技能和能力。

Register Now! $8,900.00 14 tickets left

心肺復甦法及自動體外除顫器證書課程 (CPR & AED)

OPS - Tsim Sha Tsui 16/F, CheukNang Centre, 9 Hillwood Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

課程內容 : 掌握心肺復甦的定義 掌握成人, 兒童和嬰兒心肺復甦的程序和技能 掌握成人, 兒童和嬰兒呼吸道異物堵塞的處理 了解生命鏈及盡早施行除顫的理論 掌握自動體外除顫器的操作和理論   學員完成課程後通過評核可獲發美國心臟協會的證書。 證書有效期為兩年

Register Now! $900.00 12 tickets left


OPS - Central 1-2/F World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street Central,, Hong Kong

Are you ready to inspire people to change their lives with BODYPUMP™? Whether you're just starting your journey, looking to hone your skills, or exploring new strategies to help people unleash their full potential, LES MILLS BODYPUMP Initial Training will help you take the next step in your teaching career

Register Now! $2,780.00 12 tickets left

TRX Yoga Foundation Course

OPS - Central 1-2/F World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street Central,, Hong Kong

Transform your yoga practice with the TRX Yoga Foundation Course, blending TRX Suspension Training® with Yoga for enhanced strength and balance.

Register Now! $2,800.00 12 tickets left


OPS - Tsim Sha Tsui 16/F, CheukNang Centre, 9 Hillwood Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

STC(Suspension Training Course)為TRX所設立的訓練課程,適合對象為任何對懸吊訓練有興趣者,課程內容為教授TRX使用的基本概論、常用的上下半身訓練及核心訓練動作,提供各種懸吊方案及處方概論,讓喜愛的朋友可以在專業教練指導下安全有效地進行TRX懸吊訓練。

Register Now! $2,800.00 16 tickets left


OPS - Central 1-2/F World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street Central,, Hong Kong

Are you ready to inspire people to change their lives with LES MILLS BODYATTACK®? Whether you're just starting your journey, looking to hone your skills, or exploring new strategies to help people unleash their full potential, BODYATTACK Initial Training will help you take the next step in your teaching career!

Register Now! $2,780.00 12 tickets left


OPS - Tsim Sha Tsui 16/F, CheukNang Centre, 9 Hillwood Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

在先前課程的基礎懸吊訓練知識的基礎上,參加者將繼續提高其教練技能,以有效地領導團體訓練計劃。參加者將學會如何領導及修改可以用作個人訓練、小型或大型團體訓練的兩組團體訓練方案 (TRX Fit 及 TRX Strong)

Register Now! $2,800.00 15 tickets left

TRX FTC TRX功能性運動訓練課程

OPS - Tsim Sha Tsui 16/F, CheukNang Centre, 9 Hillwood Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

參加者將會學到如何運用TRX懸吊系統及彈力棍系統上運用TRX基本運動訓練方法來教導及進行調節,然後應用於各種訓練設備上。除了懸吊訓練及彈力棍訓練外,其他訓練方法包括: 啞鈴、藥球、沙包、戰繩及帶。

Register Now! $2,800.00 16 tickets left

動物流一級課程 Animal Flow Level 1 Instructor Certification (廣東話授課)

OPS - Central 1-2/F World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street Central,, Hong Kong

“動物流” 認證課程是專門針對想要學習將動物的肢體動作,整合進入人體身體重量教學、訓練、指導的體適能專家、包含私人教練、團體課程指導老師、肢體動作導師、體能教練、瑜珈導師、MMA訓練師甚至是物理治療師。

Register Now! $5,500.00 16 tickets left


OPS - Central 1-2/F World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street Central,, Hong Kong

Are you ready to inspire people to change their lives with BODYCOMBAT™? Whether you're just starting your journey, looking to hone your skills, or exploring new strategies to help people unleash their full potential, BODYCOMBAT Initial Training will help you take the next step in your teaching career!

Register Now! $2,780.00 12 tickets left

TRX GTC : English

OPS - Central 1-2/F World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street Central,, Hong Kong

Continue your TRX Education Journey- Expand your marketability and master group coaching techniques in this hands-on eight-hour course. Building on the foundational suspension training knowledge from prior courses, you will […]

Exos Performance Mentorship Phase 2

Kellett School 7 Lam Hing Street, Kowloon Bay Kowloon, Hong Kong

Advance your coaching skills with Exos Performance Mentorship Phase 2, a four-day course deepening your expertise in coaching methodology and application.