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EXOS Performance Mentorship Phase 1

Kellett School 7 Lam Hing Street, Kowloon Bay Kowloon

Exos, the global leader in human performance. For over two decades Exos has stood side by side with those driven to rise higher in life. Exos has pioneered the field […]

$11,300.00 – $15,700.00

TRX FTC TRX功能性運動訓練課程

OPS - Tsim Sha Tsui 16/F, CheukNang Centre, 9 Hillwood Road, Tsim Sha Tsui

參加者將會學到如何運用TRX懸吊系統及彈力棍系統上運用TRX基本運動訓練方法來教導及進行調節,然後應用於各種訓練設備上。除了懸吊訓練及彈力棍訓練外,其他訓練方法包括: 啞鈴、藥球、沙包、戰繩及帶。
