現實生活,真正的挑戰。無論您的客人是休閒高爾夫球手還是明星運動員,構思及確定正確的治療方法都有一定挑戰性。這就是Gray Institute為患者康復提供創新、有效和全面方法的原因。
與其他的動態分析方法不同,3DMAPS是一種以三維空間概念分析所有人體動作及能力的評估工具。3DMAPS 把所有關節的立體互動感應分成六個主要的變化區域,以活動能力分析(人體關節的活動範圍)及穩定能力(分析評估該動作在活動範圍內的控制力),使參加者學會揀選最好及最有邏輯的運動方案給客戶!
Real life, real challenges. Whether your patient is a casual golfer or star athlete, determining the right approach to treatment can be challenging. That’s why the Gray Institute offers an innovative, effective, and comprehensive approach to patient rehabilitation.
Three-Dimensional Movement Analysis and Performance System (3DMAPS) leverages movements that are authentic to everyday life by utilizing all three planes of motion. This system allows the practitioner to examine, evaluate, and treat patients based on the philosophy that the influence of one part of the body effects another.
3DMAPS (3D Movement Analysis & Performance System) is the most innovative way to effectively analyze and enhance the entire body in an efficient, revealing, and evidence-based manner. This certification equips you, the movement professional, with the content, competence, and confidence to meet the needs, wants, and goals of all of your patients and clients.
Unlike any other movement screen, 3DMAPS is a movement analysis and performance system that applies to the three-dimensionality and abilities of all individuals and all of human function. 3DMAPS boils down all of human movement (the three-dimensional interaction of joints, muscles, and proprioceptors) into 6 Vital Transformational Zones, adapts these movements within Mobility Analysis Movements (assessing range of motion) and Stability Analysis Movements (assessing control of motion), and empowers you to then prioritize the best and most logical progressions in serving your patients and clients better.