Precision Nutrition Level 1
The industry’s top education programme. Master the science of nutrition and the art of coaching. The Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification is your springboard to a deep understanding of nutrition, the authority to coach it, and the ability to turn what you know into results.
Effective Nutrition Coaching - the missing piece in health and fitness After 25 years in the field, Precision Fitness has learnt that professional nutrition coaching is missing in every corner of our industry — from personal training and manual therapy, to functional medicine, group exercise, yoga, and beyond. Without effective nutrition skills, professionals struggle to get impressive results with the people they work with, which often signals the end of the relationship. After trying (and failing) to help multiple clients or patients, it’s easy to see why many lose their passion for the work and even consider leaving the field altogether! But with effective nutrition skills, you can feel confident, competent, and credible. You can offer advice that you know is right. And you can transfer knowledge in the right way, so that each person you work with gets the results they’re looking for. Put simply: Knowing how to coach nutrition effectively is the key to helping people get the results they deserve Final Note The health and fitness field is changing quickly. Obesity and diet-related illness are at an all-time high and millions of people need help with their nutrition more than ever. Whatever specific field you work in, it’s important to understand that the most successful professionals will be those who have a deep understanding of nutrition science and the ability to effectively help others. That’s what we do every day. And we’re ready to teach you the same science-based coaching method we’ve used with major health organizations, professional sports teams, Olympic athletes, and over 100,000 clients and patients worldwide.
What is the Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification? Imagine if you had all the nutrition, coaching, and change psychology research…all the scientific concepts…all the experience…all the practical “how-to” stuff…all in one place. If you had a trusted source of education…a proven system…and real-life advice to help guide your professional development. If it came in a clear, understandable, self-paced learning format that suited your schedule. And if, at the end of the process, you had a system (like ProCoach) to deliver the habit-based nutrition coaching you just learned, so you can grow a practice while working less and getting better results. That’s what The Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification is here for. In addition to learning how nutrition really works, you’ll understand how people think and act, and you’ll be able to turn that into a thriving coaching practice. This means you’ll get better results, attract more clients and patients, keep them for longer, and make more money than you thought possible. Whether you’re:
- just starting out in the field of health, fitness, or wellness;
- an established professional in the middle of your career;
- passionate about health and considering a career change;
- working with people one-on-one or in a group setting; or
- wanting to deepen your knowledge of nutrition…
…You can become Precision Nutrition Certified. The Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification will teach you all that, including the methodology we’ve tested, refined, and proven with over 100,000 coaching clients.
How the Programme Works Once you register, you can start right away with our online study strategy guide – and you’ll get your textbook shipped to you, free of charge, anywhere in the world. Get access to more than 40 coaching tools we use with our own clients. Once you receive your course textbook and materials, you’ll find all the forms, questionnaires, and assessment tools we use here at Precision Nutrition. They’re all yours to use with the folks you work with. Our mobile and desktop coaching platform works in conjunction with your textbook. Stay accountable and on-track with our simple 5-step process for each chapter:
Step 1: Read the chapter and mark that it’s been completed.
Step 2: Watch the corresponding video lecture or listen to the audio lesson.
Step 3: Answer the practice questions in the workbook that you received with your textbook.
Step 4: Review the chapter FAQs.
Step 5: Take the end-of-chapter exam.
Become Precision Nutrition Certified By the end of the course, you’ll have written 20 short, 10-question exams, for a total of 200 questions. Get at least 150 of the questions correct (75%) to earn your Pn1 credentials. Most of our students pass on the first try. But just in case you don’t, you’ll still have 5 more tries at the exam. And of course, we’re here to help you along the way if you need it. What you receive access to?
- 600 page Precision Nutrition textbook “The Essentials of Sport and Exercise Nutrition”
- Video library lecture, one for each chapter of the textbook
- Assessment forms
- Questionnaires
Precision Nutrition Textbook - “The Essentials of Sport and Exercise Nutrition” The 600-page textbook, with the latest research in nutrition, exercise, and psychology. Each chapter teaches you key nutrition and coaching concepts. We took all the complex research and simplified it into an easy-to-understand format that makes learning enjoyable. The first half covers the science of nutrition. The second half teaches you a step-by-step process for putting what you’ve learned into action.
Assessment Forms and Questionnaires New assessment forms and questionnaires to help you better understand client and patient needs, and unlock their potential. Once you receive your textbook and materials, you’ll find all the forms, questionnaires, and assessment tools we use here at PN. They’re all yours to use with the folks you help and support.
Video Lectures Brand-new video lectures, one for each chapter of the textbook, to boost your understanding and your retention. Narrated by Ryan Andrews, MS, RD, and Brian St. Pierre, MS, RD, each video seminar corresponds with each textbook chapter. They’ll help you better learn the material…and better retain what you learned. Watch (and re-watch) whenever you like.
What does the Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification cover? The textbook and certification course are split into two units. The first half of the textbook covers the science of nutrition. The second half teaches you how to effectively coach nutrition with others, including advanced nutrition coaching, coaching athletes, behavior change and motivational interviewing.
Who is the Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification for? It’s for any health, fitness, and wellness professional (or anyone who is thinking of joining the field) who wants to feel confident in their ability to successfully coach nutrition and get better results for the people they work with. Precision Nutrition has worked with over 100,000 students from every corner of this industry - from personal training and yoga to functional medicine, holistic wellness coaching and beyond. Whether you're already mid-career or just starting out, this certification will give you the knowledge, systems and tools to make a real, lasting change with anyone you work with.
I have a busy life. How long does it take to get certified? The Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification is entirely self paced, so there’s no deadline. You can take as much time or as little time as you like. If you follow the structure, you can expect to spend 3-5 hours per week on the certification materials, Since there are 20 chapters, you’d earn your Precision Nutrition Level 1 credentials in a little over four months. Although you can move more quickly or slowly depending on your situation.
What are the exams like? There are 20 short exams with 10 questions each. Questions are either multiple choice or true or false. Then exams are delivered online; they can be accessed whenever you’re ready. Also, each exam corresponds with the chapter you just studied and completing the exam unlocks the next chapter. For instance, if you read Chapter 1 of the textbook, watch the corresponding video lesson, answer your workbook questions, and review the FAQ, you’ll be ready to take the Chapter 1 exam. Once the Chapter 1 exam is completed, you’ll instantly see your results and get access to the Chapter 2 materials.
What grade do I need to pass? At least 75%, which most students easily achieve or surpass. By the end of the course, you’ll have written 20 short, 10-question exams, for a total of 200 questions. Get at least 150 of the questions correct (75%) to earn your Precision Nutrition credentials.
Will I receive a Certificate? Yes, once you successfully complete and pass your Precision Nutrition Level 1 exam, we will receive your digital Precision Nutrition Level1 Certificate immediately after you pass.
What if I fail an exam? You can’t fail a specific exam. Your score for the course is cumulative. So you could do poorly on a few exams and still pass the course as long as you answer 150 out of 200 questions by the end of the course.
What if I don’t pass the course? If you don’t earn 150 out of 200 points in the course, you can write a re-do exam at the end of the course. You’ll get 5 chances to earn 75% or greater on the exam.
Is the Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification eligible for CEU’s (Continuing Education Units)? Yes, here is a breakdown of the CEU’s currently offered:
NASM (1.9), ACE (6.0), ACSM (4), CDR (16), and CPTN (14)
When will I get my textbook and online materials? We will be submitting our list of candidates to Precision Nutrition and candidates will receive an e-mail confirmation directly from Precision Nutrition. Once this is completed, Internationally shipping will take 2-3 weeks depending on your country of residence.
Additional information
CEUs: | NASM (1.9), ACE (6.0), ACSM (4), CDR (16), and CPTN (14) |