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TRX FTC TRX功能性運動訓練課程

Optimum Performance TST 16/F, CheukNang Centre, 9 Hillwood Road, Tsim Sha Tsui

參加者將會學到如何運用TRX懸吊系統及彈力棍系統上運用TRX基本運動訓練方法來教導及進行調節,然後應用於各種訓練設備上。除了懸吊訓練及彈力棍訓練外,其他訓練方法包括: 啞鈴、藥球、沙包、戰繩及帶。

Register Now! $2,800.00 16 tickets left

NASM-CPT Certified Personal Trainer Course (2 Day): English

Optimum Performance Studio 1-2/F World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street Central,

No other fitness-professional course so powerfully fuses science and practical application! The rapid growth of the personal-training industry has spurred a multitude of approaches to fitness education and training. Setting the international standard for the industry, NASM has developed a comprehensive system that integrates proven techniques and real science into one easy-to-use, universal programming method – Optimum Performance Training (OPT™)

Register Now! $8,900.00 15 tickets left