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Theragun Performance Specialist Course

OPS - Central 1-2/F World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street Central,, Hong Kong

This course is the first step for any trainer and performance coach who would like to immerse themselves into percussive therapy. You will learn the essential skills to effectively use percussive therapy for personal use and have the knowledge to help your clients and athletes use it.

Register Now! $1,400.00 16 tickets left

TriggerPoint Foam Rolling: Principles and Practices

OPS - Central 1-2/F World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street Central,, Hong Kong

Self-myofascial release (SMR) relieves pain and improves flexibility and range of motion. This workshop teaches SMR fundamentals, reviews research, and uses the GRID foam roller for coaching and cueing movements suitable for all clients.

Register Now! $1,400.00 14 tickets left

TRX STC : English

OPS - Central 1-2/F World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street Central,, Hong Kong

This course is for fitness professionals who want to effectively use the TRX Suspension Trainer. It covers over 70 TRX exercises, their benefits, how to perform them, and modifications for all fitness levels. You’ll learn to design TRX programs using smart exercise choices and case studies.

Register Now! $2,800.00 16 tickets left

TRX FTC TRX功能性運動訓練課程

OPS - Tsim Sha Tsui 16/F, CheukNang Centre, 9 Hillwood Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

參加者將會學到如何運用TRX懸吊系統及彈力棍系統上運用TRX基本運動訓練方法來教導及進行調節,然後應用於各種訓練設備上。除了懸吊訓練及彈力棍訓練外,其他訓練方法包括: 啞鈴、藥球、沙包、戰繩及帶。

Register Now! $2,800.00 14 tickets left

Gray Institute 3DMAPS GRAY INSTITUTE – 3D運動分析與性能系統課程

OPS - Tsim Sha Tsui 16/F, CheukNang Centre, 9 Hillwood Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

現實生活,真正的挑戰。無論您的客人是休閒高爾夫球手還是明星運動員,構思及確定正確的治療方法都有一定挑戰性。這就是Gray Institute為患者康復提供創新、有效和全面方法的原因。3D運動分析與性能系統(3DMAPS)通過利用所有三個運動平面來利用對日常生活的運動。該系統允許參加者基於身體相互影響的理念來檢查、評估和治療患者。

Register Now! $3,950.00 20 tickets left

Power Plate® Discover Power Plate振動訓練課程

OPS - Tsim Sha Tsui 16/F, CheukNang Centre, 9 Hillwood Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

這個 4 小時的實體工作坊會通過 Power Plate 去介紹全身振動訓練。透過這課程你可以體驗到如何利用 Power Plate ,去改善身體狀況,帶來更快的準備狀態、更好的運動表現和更快地恢復原狀,從而增強整體運動上的表現。
無論你是業餘的健身愛好者、健身專業人士、運動員或是臨床醫生,我們的目標都是為你提供技能、知識和信心,以成功利用 Power Plate去優化結果並提高你和你的客戶的生活素質。

Register Now! $1,400.00 16 tickets left