Believe it or not, ski season is right around the corner.  We know, we know – your beach towel is still in the hamper, your swimsuit has barely dried, and although you might not actually click/strap in for another 30-40 days, it’s important to begin preparing yourself for what could be Your Best Ski Season Ever. So break out the wax and start channelling your inner Lindsey Vonn / Jamie Lynn.
FACT: WINTER IS COMING! (fingers crossed)
It has already started snowing at many resorts in the West (shout out to Squaw Valley, USA!) and if NOAA predictions are correct, Mother Nature may be invited back into the friend circle this year (we banished her a few years back;-). According to the National Weather Service’s long-range forecast for the winter of 2016 – 2017, conditions will be strongly affected by La Niña. This would mean that, in general, the mountains and ski areas in the northern half of the United States will see more favourable conditions. The ski areas in the PNW and in the Northeast could see big winters with copious amounts of snowfall. PARTY ON!
So what does this mean for all of us? It means that it’s time to buckle down – pun intended – and get our ski legs ready to slay some pow.
We don’t know about you guys but there’s nothing worse than getting to the resort on day one of the season and finding yourself winded walking from the car to the lift line. Blame the altitude all you want, but at the end of the day, it’s up to you to get the blood flowin’.
For a TRX Cardio Workout. See the Workout Section at the bottom of the blog.
Do not underestimate the power of … well, power. Gaining strength in your core and legs takes priority, however not enough strength in your upper body, may leave your shoulders at risk for injury. Luckily, TRX delivers full-body workouts that hit from head to toe.
For a TRX Strength Workout. See the Workout Section at the bottom of the blog.
Most of us are not as spry as we once were. If your body doesn’t take well to bending and bouncing, you’re setting yourself up for a whole slew of injuries on the slopes that will take you out of the game. Snow sports are notorious for putting us into physically demanding positions (ahem, wiping out!), so flexibility in our hamstrings, quads and trunk are game-changers in the way of injury prevention.
For a TRX Mobility Workout. See the Workout Section at the bottom of the blog.
Perform each exercise for 60 seconds, resting for 30 seconds while you transition to the next movement. When you finish all five exercises run through the sequence one more time for a 15-minute workout. For the first round perform the single-leg exercises on your right side, then switch to the left for the second.
TRX Atomic Pushups
Start in a pushup position with your feet in the foot cradles of the Suspension Trainer, directly under the anchor point, and your hands under your shoulders. Brace your core and perform a pushup. When you reach the top of the push-up, pause for a moment and perform a TRX crunch by drawing your knees toward your chest and piking your hips up slightly. Pause for a moment at the top, then lower your hips back down and straighten your legs to return to the start position.
TRX Burpees
With the Suspension Trainer at mid calf place one foot in both foot cradles.
Drive your suspended leg back, lower your hips until back knee is two inches off the ground. Place your hands on the ground and hop your grounded leg straight back to a plank position. Perform a pushup then hop your grounded leg forward and explode up to a jump.
TRX Skaters
Stand to face the TRX Suspension Trainer holding the handles with both hands in front of you and your feet together. Jump to your right side and land on your right foot. Control your momentum by letting your knee bend as you land. Hop rapidly from side to side.
TRX Jump Squats
Adjust the TRX Suspension Trainer to mid-length. Stand to face the TRX with your feet hip-width apart. Position your elbows under your shoulders and lower your hips down and back, keeping your weight on your heels. Squeeze your glutes and drive your hips up to explode and jump at the top of your squat. Use the TRX straps to help you decelerate and land as softly as possible. Keep your chest lifted throughout the movement.
Perform each exercise for 60 seconds with 30 seconds rest in between each exercise. When you are finished with all five exercises, repeat the entire sequence, for a perfect 15-minute workout. For the single-leg exercises, perform the first round on one leg and the second round on the other.
TRX Hamstring Curls
Lay on your back with your heels in the foot cradles, directly under the anchor point. Press your heels down and brace your core to lift your hips up. Imagine your are performing a plank on your back. Use your hamstrings to bend your knees and pull your heels in toward your butt. Engage your core the entire time. Send your heels back to the start position in one slow and controlled motion.
TRX Hip Presses
Lay on your back with your heels in the foot cradles and your knees bent to 90 degrees, directly over your hips. Press your heels down and engage your core in thrusting your hips up until they are in a perfect line with your knees and shoulders. Lower hips down in one slow, controlled motion to return.
TRX Mountain Climbers
Start in a push-up position with your toes in the foot cradles and your hands directly under your shoulders. Brace your core and draw one knee towards your chest while keeping your other leg straight. Allow your hips to pike up a little as you reach the top of the movement. Straighten your leg and lower your hips to return to the start position. Repeat with the other leg.
TRX Lunges
Stand to face the anchor point and hold handles with your palms facing each other. Lift one leg so that your thigh is parallel to the ground and your knee is bent to 90 degrees. Drive your leg back and lunge down until the thigh of your working leg is parallel with the ground. Drive through your heel and squeeze your glutes to stand up.
TRX Clock Pull
Adjust your TRX to mid length, and stand to face the anchor point. Walk your feet towards the anchor point and fully extend your arms to chin height. With the right arm, perform a row while extending the left arm out straight to a T position. Allow both arms to straighten and lower the body back to start position between reps. Perform 10 reps on the right side and then switch arms, this time performing a row with your left arm and extending the right arm out straight to a T position.
TRX Push-up Plus
Adjust your TRX to mid calf length and place your toes in the foot cradles. On your hands and knees, lift up into a hand plank position. Lower your chest down, bend elbows to 90 degrees and keep your core engaged. At the bottom of the movement, drive through your palms and push up, keeping your body in a strong plank position. At the top of the movement, push up a bit further than a normal push-up, causing your upper back to round slightly and your chest to cave.
Perform each exercise for 60 seconds, minimal rest between exercises, 1-3 times through.
TRX Wall Slides
Stand to face away from the anchor point with your hands in foot cradles and your arms over your head, bent at 90 degrees. Drive hands into foot cradles so there is no slack in the straps and slowly extend your arms directly over your shoulders. Slowly bend your elbows back to 90 degrees to return to the start position.
TRX Hip Hinge (Wide Stance)
Stand to face the anchor point with your arms extended in front of you pressing down on the TRX handles and your feet wider than shoulder width apart. Bend forward from the hips with a straight back, pushing your hips back and extending your arms forward. Drive your hips forward to return to the start position.
TRX Cossack Stretch
Stand to face the anchor point with your feet wider than hip-width apart. Bend one leg and lower hips toward the ground while keeping the opposite leg straight. Allow the toe of your trailing leg to come up, creating a stretch through inner thigh. Keep your hips low and repeat on the other side.