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Here are the tips of the day from NASM experts for Fitness Week! Enjoy and let us know what your tips are in the comments!

Monday’s Tip: Lift more to stay trim. Lifting weights might be the best way to control belly fat as you age. Data from healthy men culled over 12 years showed that those who spent 20 minutes a day weight training added less girth to their waistline than those who spend the same amount of time doing aerobic exercise, yard work, or stair climbing. Source: Harvard School of Public Health/Obesity.

Tuesday’s Tip: Focus. Focus. Focus. Distraction is the enemy of any workout. The simple solution: Have a plan. Know exactly what you plan to do for your workout, how long you plan to do it form and everything you need to do it undisturbed. Gather all the equipment you’ll need, make sure you have your water bottle filled and you’re ready to go. You’ll have a better workout, and have something worth talking about when you’re done.

Wednesday’s Tip: Speed, agility, and quickness (SAQ) is not just for athletes anymore! An SAQ program can also significantly improve the physical health profile of apparently healthy sedentary adults. SAQ training provides a unique challenge to the biological system of non-athletic individuals, requiring constant responses and adaptations. Such rapid adaptation to SAQ training is critical in the development, maintenance, and improvement of neuromuscular, physiologic, and biomechanical proficiency. –Russell Wynter, NASM Master Trainer.

Thursday’s Tip: Start with the basics. To promote healthy fat-loss, start with the basics–exercise or at least move daily, drink plenty of water, get 6-8 hours of restful sleep, consume high-quality protein, good fat(s) like avocado, coconut oil, and nuts, and fiber with every meal. -Clyde Mealy, NASM Master Trainer.

Friday’s Tip: Does your workout program include cable rows and squats or lunges? For most of us, these are common movements. Combine them to make one multi joint full body exercise! It works to increase stability around the sacroiliac joint (SIL). Exercises like the squat to row are an example of integration exercises used in the Corrective Exercise Continuum. -Crystal Reeves, NASM Master Trainer.