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As a personal trainer or fitness business owner, the need to continually bring in new clients or members is a constant. Ask any business coach, and you will hear a number of tried-and-true methods:

“Focus on branding.” “Have a good website.” “Create a sales funnel.” “Maximize your time on social media.”

These things are all very important. But none of them matter if you are unable to talk to someone in person, and very quickly peak their interest in learning more about what you do.

That’s what an elevator pitch is. A quick message of who you are, what you do, and most importantly, why anyone should care, that could be delivered in about the time it would take to ride in an elevator. There is an art to the creation, and delivery, of your elevator pitch. If done correctly, it can be the difference-maker in all of your marketing efforts.

Why having a polished elevator pitch is important

Let’s pretend for a moment that you actually get into an elevator with just one other person. Obviously, you will have a t-shirt, polo or sweatshirt on with your company name and logo (because you know how important branding is), and he or she asks you what exactly it is you do.

You have approximately 60 seconds to convey all the intricacies of what you do to this now potential client. This extremely short amount of time will allow you to entice this person to want to learn more about your services or facility.

How to craft your elevator pitch

When starting to write your pitch, it is important to keep in mind who you are writing it for. Your pitch is not for another trainer. It is for the public. Someone who doesn’t know the intricacies of program design, corrective exercise or nutrition. Make sure that as you craft the pitch, you are speaking in a language that your audience will understand. That being said, here is a series of questions to answer that will allow you to craft your elevator pitch.

  1. Why should they care? I’m sure you’ve heard the quote, “They don’t how much you know, until they know how much you care,” a few times. Regardless of how overused that quote is, the truth of it still holds. Why should anyone care about what you do? Clearly identify that, and the rest is easy.
  2. What is it you do? Once you have your why having a clear list of what you offer is the next step in writing a pitch that will accurately convey what it is you do. It is important to note that you will probably not have time to list every service you offer or every amenity at your facility. Stick to the important ones. The ones that really matter.
  3. How do you get results? This question speaks to the heart of your services. What separates you from all of the other trainers/nutritionists/coaches/gyms that promise the same thing? Is it your education, or your proprietary programs? Spend some time really thinking this one through. Knowing how to present your specific techniques or tools builds credibility.

A few things to consider

  • It is also a good idea to craft a few different elevator pitches. One that you would present to a female, may need to be different than one presented to a male. If you own a facility that offers a number of services, having different pitches that allow you to highlight the specific one you feel the person in the elevator would need or want could allow for a more guided discussion.
  • Don’t memorize it and then recite it verbatim. No one wants to feel like they are talking to a robot. Make it seem more conversational. Know the key points and make sure you touch on those. Remember, your goal is to peak their interest, and walk away with a consultation or appointment.
  • Practice your pitch at least a few times with friends or colleagues. Role-playing how you would present it will allow you to prepare for things that you may not have thought of. It will also allow you to get some good feedback from people you trust.

Are you ready to start the elevator pitch? Here’s an easy opener for you, and an offer they can’t refuse, “What floor can I get for you?”